And for something really special, the Highlanders Tin, featuring a picture of William Wallace. Too cool for school.

Strawberry Hill Povitica Company (an Eastern European dessert)
An finally, one of my favorite places to spend time...and money: check out the coasters from Virgins, Saints and Sinners. My personal favorite? The vintage cowgirl one with the "guts, grits, and lipstick" motto.

Happy shopping/browsing/eating/drinking.
I just visited the Virgins Saints & Sinners website. Very cool. I too really like the Guts, Glory, and Lipstick coasters. Hey, that could be my new mantra. JK
So, thank you so much for your sound advice and feedback on my blog. I guess I was having a bit of a pitty party that day and I sure appreciate your comment. :)
Walkers shortbreads are the best.
Thank you for your note, Cece. I don't want to sound like a "know it all" re: my post to you, but what you said really struck a cord with me. Unfortunately, the world is filled with scared, closed-off people. You should thank the Big Guy upstairs everyday that you aren't one of them!!!!
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