Do you have a favorite? I mean, come on: I know you do, so rather the question: Which is your favorite?
Three Musketeers?

Kit Kat? Butterfinger? Almond Joy? Mr. Goodbar? Nestles Crunch?
100 Grand?

Mine is simply Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

There's no better food match than chocolate and peanut butter, IMHO. And here's an EMAF tip (though known by most, I know): to make your Reese's Peanut Butter Cups taste even better, throw them in the freezer for a bit. Ummmmmmm! Good! Anyway, have a safe Halloween. And if you want to have a little fun, check out the Hershey's Chocolate web site; it's pretty cool. And one more thing: Go ahead and splurge by having a candy bar from your childhood. It's O.K. to be a kid again for a few moments...and eating a candy bar (or two) from your Halloween's of past is one way to do that.
I'm with you! Reese's PB cups don't last long in my house.
Great minds eat alike! (er, something like that...)
So cdk, what do the childless-for-now-but-not-for-much-longer(we-all-hope)among us do on Halloween? In other words, whose candy do you steal? You don't send c out on a mugging mission do you?
Dude: It's all about the Skittles!
For me there's no question as to my favorite kind of chocolate bar: THE LARGEST SNICKERS BAR I can possibly buy. It's packed with tons of peanuts which gives that very satisfying crunch and substance I love in candy bars. They're solid,firm,they definitely help you make it to your next meal.
Oh we'll be knocking over every kid that comes between us and those PB cups for sure. Chris will be dawning his 4 foot high (and wide) afro and Elvis glasses. That's all that's required to get a laugh out of kids around here. . some of them come back twice to show their friends. It's all very amusing. I'm wishing the day would come and go though because we've got a big bowl of candy sitting on our kitchen counter staring at us. For those of us who don't regularly participate in candy eating, it's sort of a tough one to pass up (snickers, milky way, twix and reese's alike). I don't buy Halloween candy because it's on sale. I remember what it was like as a kid getting dum dums. . although I like myself a nice dum dum from time to time, i don't remember being all that appreciative as a child. . so I get the good stuff ;-)
The reese's cup are so fabulous and are definitely me favorite because I love that PB and Chocolate combo. If only they came in bigger sizes...
I prefer the sweeter candies without chocolate like Laffy Taffy, Nerds, Skittles, and Starburts. Any one of those would be welcome in my halloween bag of candy!
Milk Duds
I am a huge Reeses Fan. Sometimes the cups, sometimes the pieces but, always the Reeses!
cdk, hmmm, Chris in an afro and Elvis shades--that's ALMOST worth a drive to W.!
katie, love the poem ALMOST as much as I love Reese's!
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