Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Viva la Tortilla! (my way)

As FROTB know, I'm big here at Every Meal A Feast on authentic. For my tortillas, for example, I'm not big on flour -- a little too fluffy for my taste. For me, give me corn tortillas, and cooked my way.

Which is? Toasted on a gas burner. That's right. I buy white corn tortillas, get the burner going low, and gently toast the tortilla on both sides. The heat gives the tortilla that charred flavor that feels so... well, so Mexican, and thus authentic.

A couple of tips, should you decide to do this:
1. Keep the gas low.
2. Don't drop the tortilla on the burner (it knocks out the gas)
3. Don't wander away; it only takes 30-45 seconds per side
4. Use tongs when changing the tortilla from side to side (tortilla will be hot)


1 comment:

Azy Does It said...

Thats how I do mine! with butter and salsa inside. or cinnamon and sugar. Great snack.