adventures - and misadventures -
with great food & wine
Thursday, September 20, 2007
87 KKW CS: ?!?!?
The Incanto feast countdown has passed the less-than-12-hours-to-go mark, which is nice. Yesterday, I went deep, deep into my wine cellar, and emerged hours later (and quite dusty too, as a matter of fact) with a bottle of 1987 Kathryn Kennedy Winery Cabernet Sauvignon. KKW is located in Saratoga, California, in the South Bay, very close to the Santa Cruz Mountains appellation. The story behind my association with this winery is as follows: many moons ago, while living in the South Bay, I answered a "call for volunteers" at this small, family-run winery, and helped several times during their mobile bottling. My payment: KKW wine. I've been nursing these bottles over the years, reserved of course for special occasions, and now am ready to break one out again tonight. A great meal deserves a great wine, of course, so why not go for a 20-year-old Cab? It also adds another layer to the dinner, i.e., has the wine held up? Has my cellar done me justice? Ah, questions...soon to be answered.
Every Meal a Feast celebrates my adventures--and misadventures--with great food, great wine, and fun times. The inspiration for this blog comes from one of my all-time favorite movies, "Big Night" (see pic above), while the name comes from a friend, who once said he tries to live life like: "Every day's a holiday, and every meal a feast."
Where I Live / Eat / Drink
Sonoma County /Napa Valley CA (with travels all over the world...)
Stay tuned for the next Every Meal A Feast "Gathering" in which you can join fellow EMAF readers for a special dinner where we'll share great food and wine, renew old friendships, and make new friends. (For info about our first Gathering, see the post of Sept. 21: We Meet the Meat Monkey.)
20-year-old Cab: WOW! Would love to try that.
Dog, have fun tonight. Don't eat anything I wouldn't!
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