Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Eights Days in September

Sometimes the stars and planets align, my Tarot reading reads uber-positive, and all becomes right with the world...or at least with my world...for a few days, anyway.
Right now, I'm in the middle of eight days of feasts-beyond compare. It's making me a little heady, that rare combination of both great-moments-just-had with anticipation-for-what's-next. Check out this just-over-a-week lineup of culinary adventures:

Sept 16: Dinner at The Spinnaker in Sausalito

Sept 20: The first Every Meal A Feast "Gathering" at Incanto Restaurant, in San Francisco (less than 36 hours away, but who's counting?)

Sept 22: A visit to Buster's Barbecue and Bakery in Calistoga following M's volleyball game

Sept 23: Dinner with CKD at Langley's on the Green in beautiful downtown Windsor

And the icing on the cake, so to speak? Poker with my buddies this Saturday, which means greasy pizza and cold beer. Which perhaps---perhaps---tops them all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Spinnaker has breathtaking views of the beautiful bay!