Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Rondo and Rondo We Go

Lately on my friend Kim's blog she's been writing about (rather compulsively, actually) Rondo. Now what, pray tell, exactly is Rondo? Apparently (this is all from her; I don't think she's making any of this up) Rondo was a "refreshing citrus drink" popular some 20-odd years ago. While obviously the soda didn't SELL very well, it still lives on today when someone uses the term "he got rondo'd." Now I know that there are all types of jokes and potential play-on-words here, but this time I think I'm going to pass. If you'd like go for it, be my guest.

Anyway, check it out:
Aug 4: Confessions

July 31: Rondo Reincarnated
July 11: Do You Feel Rondo'd


ckderum26 said...

I'm laughing - out loud

Big Night Fan said...

All I know is that my life feels a little more, shall we say, complete now that you're brought Rondo into it, so thank you.