Overall, I thought the show was excellent, though the first part was heavy on eccentric Cleveland, and we really didn't didn't get into the food until the second part. I loved the tour of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (did you know you can rent that for a party or dinner?) and of the ethnic restaurants.

What did bring a tear to my eye was the mention of "stadium mustard." Here's the scoop: Cleveland's old Municipal Stadium used to be the home for the Browns and the Indians. It was a huge (70,000-seat), old, drafty place yet filled with memories. Some of my strongest childhood memories are of going, either alone with my dad or with my dad and friends, to Indians games, one of the highlights which would be having several (hey, I was a g

...until recently. I had heard rumors and quickly confirmed them last night during a late-night Google fest: stadium mustard lives! The stadium mustard Web site looks as funky as old Municipal Stadium used to, and to me, that's part of the charm. My check is going in the mail this week for a case of this all-natural, delicious, and memory-inducing condiment.

So thank you, Tony, for showing us new places to see and try...and for taking us back to old places and old times and old foods that shouldn't be forgotten.
Brought a tear to my eye, too, brother. I'm ordering a case this week too.
There is nothing quite like Stadium Mustard. I miss it everytime I eat a hotdog. Thanks for the link.
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame rocks!
I gotta say that I'm a huge fan of mustard, although I'm not sure that I'd be able to plow through an entire case of it any time in the discernable future! That's a whole lot of hot dogs and pretzels ;-)
ckd, as a FROTB, I will GIVE you a jar when my ship, er, case, comes in.... Just please don't blame me when you become hooked!
I cannot be held liable for what I might do (ie. breaking and entering, assault, etc.) once I get a taste of said mustard.
In the words of Warren Zevon, "Don't knock on my door, if you don't know my rottweiler's name."
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